IPIPGO proxy server How to check proxy services for domestic addresses

How to check proxy services for domestic addresses

  How to Check Proxy Service for Domestic Addresses Hi guys! Today I'm going to share with you some information about such as checking domestic IP addresses for proxy...

How to check proxy services for domestic addresses


How to check proxy services for domestic addresses

Hi guys and gals! Today I'm going to share some knowledge about such as checking proxy services for domestic IP addresses! Isn't it a little exciting? Hurry up and follow me to explore!

Why do I need to check the proxy service for my domestic IP address?

Before I explain how to check the proxy service for domestic IP addresses, I'd like to chat with you about why you need to do so. Do you often encounter the embarrassing situation that certain websites or applications can not be accessed in China? This is where proxy servers come in handy! By using a proxy service to look up domestic IP addresses, you can hide your real IP address and disguise yourself as a domestic user to easily access websites and applications that are restricted to domestic users.

How to check proxy servers for domestic IP addresses?

Below, I will introduce you to two ways to check the proxy service for domestic IP addresses.

Method 1: Use online IP proxy query tool

The first method is to use online IP proxy query tools, which usually provide convenient and detailed query services. For example, we can use the following code example to query proxy servers for domestic IP addresses:

import requests

def get_proxy_list(): url = "" # Here the URL is replaced with the actual query URL.
url = "https://www.example.com/proxy-list" # here replace the URL with the actual query URL
response = requests.get(url)
proxy_list = response.text.split('n')
return proxy_list

With the above code, we can get a list of proxy servers. You can customize the query more specifically, such as country, speed, anonymity, etc.

Method 2: Use the proxy IP provider's API service

The second method is to use the API services of proxy IP providers. These API services often provide a more stable and reliable list of proxy servers and support different query parameter settings. Below is a sample code that uses the API service of a proxy IP provider:

import requests

def get_proxy_list(api_key): url = f"{api_key}&country=US".
url = f "https://api.example.com/proxy?apiKey={api_key}&country=US"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
proxy_list = data['proxies']
return proxy_list

In this sample code, we use an imaginary API service. You need to replace the URL and parameters with the actual proxy IP provider's API address and your own API key.

Choose the most suitable agent service

After querying the list of proxy servers obtained, the next step is to choose the most suitable proxy server. Here are some pointers for selection:

1. Choose a fast proxy server: Using a proxy server, we certainly want to be able to quickly access the target website or application, which requires us to choose a fast proxy server.
2. Choose a stable proxy server: Stability is one of the key elements of using a proxy server. After all, no one wants to experience a proxy server crash when they are just browsing to great content.
3. Choose a proxy server with a high degree of anonymity: If you wish to maintain a higher level of privacy for your real IP address, then choose a proxy server with a higher degree of anonymity.

How to use a proxy server

Once you have selected the proxy server that best suits your needs, the next step is to use it. Here, I'll provide you with a sample code using Python to help you better understand how to use a proxy server:

import requests

proxy = {
'http': '', # Replaces the proxy server's IP address and port with the actual one
'https': ''

url = "https://www.example.com" # Replaces the URL with the actual target website or application

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)
print(response.content) # Print the content of the page

In the above code, we have used the requests library to send a GET request and specified the IP address and port of the proxy server through the proxies parameter.


By querying proxy services for domestic IP addresses, we can easily bypass restrictions and access domestic websites and applications. This article describes two ways to query a proxy server and gives sample code for using a proxy server. I hope this knowledge will be helpful to you! Remember to be legal, compliant and knowledgeable when using proxy servers. Have fun and use it!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9319.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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