IPIPGO global proxy Comparison of Global and Process Agents

Comparison of Global and Process Agents

Global Proxies vs Process Proxies Yo, everyone! I'm your IP proxy expert ipipgo.Today, we're going to talk about global proxies and process...

Comparison of Global and Process Agents

Comparison of Global and Process Agents

Yo, everybody! I'm your IP proxy expert, ipipgo! Today, we're going to talk about the global proxy vs. process proxy competition, and look at the advantages and disadvantages of each. Without further ado, let's get straight to the point!

What is a global agent?

Global Proxy, as the name suggests, applies proxy settings system-wide. Well, in other words the software you are using, even a web browser, will access the proxy through a proxy server. Global Proxy is a more convenient way of proxying because you only need to set it up once and you can have all your various applications accessed through the proxy.

So let's look at it in action.

First, let's configure the IP address and port number of the proxy server. That is, we want to tell the system which proxy server you want to access the network through.

import os

def set_global_proxy(ip, port):
os.environ['http_proxy'] = f'http://{ip}:{port}'
os.environ['https_proxy'] = f'http://{ip}:{port}'

Well, you can write this code at the beginning of your script or program, just call the set_global_proxy method and pass in the IP address and port number of the proxy server as parameters, then your global proxy is configured!

What is a process agent?

Process proxies, unlike global proxies, only set up proxies for specific processes. In other words, you can configure different proxy servers for different processes to realize flexible proxy control.

To use a process proxy, we also need to specify the IP address and port number of the proxy server. However, this time we need to use a third-party library to implement process proxying. I recommend the "request" library.

import requests

def set_process_proxy(ip, port):
proxies = {

'https': f'http://{ip}:{port}'
session = requests.Session()

Hm, see? We've implemented process proxies by creating a Session object and setting the proxies parameter to the IP address and port number of our proxy! Then you can play around with proxies in specific processes to your heart's content.

What is the difference between a global agent and a process agent?

Hey, ipipgo, I'm here to tell you! Global proxies and process proxies have their own application scenarios.

Global proxies are suitable for applications like web browsers. After using a global proxy, your browser will pass through the proxy server when accessing any web page. In this way, you can do the whole proxy and realize the control of the whole system. However, it is important to note that global proxies may affect the speed and performance of your network.

Process proxies, on the other hand, are more flexible. It is suitable for applications that require specific proxies, such as crawlers. You can set up different proxies for different crawler programs so that you can avoid having your IP address blocked or banned by the target website. The flexibility and specificity of process proxies gives developers more freedom, which is really great!

concluding remarks

Well, let's talk about it today! Through my explanation, I hope you have a better understanding of global and process proxies. Whether you choose a global proxy or a process proxy, you will be able to swim safely in the network world, hahaha! If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to leave them in the comment section!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9384.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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