IPIPGO ip proxy Router change IP method and application

Router change IP method and application

Router Change IP Methods and Applications Hi, dear readers! Today, I'm going to bring you a very interesting topic - router change IP method with...

Router change IP method and application

Router change IP method and application

Hi, dear readers! Today, I'm going to bring you a very interesting topic - methods and applications of router IP change. However, before getting into the main topic, I would like to ask if any of you have ever had such an experience: when you are surfing the Internet, you suddenly find that you can't access certain websites, or you feel that the network speed is very slow, and you even encountered a headache of IP blocking. If you have this kind of trouble, then you may want to continue to read down to see if the router change IP can help you.

What are IP addresses and routers

Before we get into the method and application of changing IP on router, we first need to understand the concept of IP address and router.

IP Address, which stands for Internet Protocol Address, stands for Internet Protocol Address. You can think of it as a phone number. Each device is assigned a unique IP address on the Internet, through which communication between devices is possible.

And a router, as the name suggests, is a device responsible for routing. It can forward network packets from multiple devices according to certain rules to realize data transmission between networks.

Why did you change your IP address?

You may be wondering why bother changing the IP address when each device has a unique one.

In fact, there are many benefits to changing your IP address. First of all, some websites may block certain IP addresses, making it impossible for you to access them. By changing your IP address, you can bypass these blocks and revisit the blocked websites. Secondly, if you feel that the Internet is slow or you encounter a lot of advertisements, by changing the IP address, you can try to connect to other network nodes and may get better speed and a more refreshing Internet experience.

How to change the IP of a router

Without further ado, I will introduce some common ways to change IP of router for your reference.

Method 1: Reboot the router

This is the easiest and most common method out there. Sometimes, routers have minor problems after running for a while, such as unstable connection and IP blocking. By rebooting the router, you can reassign the IP address and solve these problems.

The steps are as follows:
1. Make sure your router is powered on properly;
2. Then locate the router's power plug and unplug it;
3. Leave it for about 10 seconds, then plug the power plug back into the router;
4. Wait for the router to reboot and connect to the Internet.

Method 2: Modify the router settings

For some advanced users, the IP address can be changed by modifying the settings of the router.

The steps are as follows:
1. Open a browser and enter the administrative address of the router (usually or;
2. Enter your user name and password to log in to the router's administration page (the default is usually admin/admin if it has not been changed);
3. Locate the Network Settings or LAN Settings on the Administration page where you can find options related to IP addresses;
4. In the IP address settings, you can manually modify the IP address (in most cases it is dynamically assigned) and save the settings;
5. The router will reboot and the new IP address will take effect.

Method 3: Use

The IP address of the network, i.e. Virtual Private Network, helps you to create an encrypted channel on the network by connecting to the Internet where your real IP address is hidden and replaced with the virtual IP address provided.

The steps are as follows:
1. Download and install trusted software (e.g. Blue Lantern, Flying Fish, etc.);
2. Open the software and follow the software's prompts to select a server node to connect to;
3. After a successful connection, your real IP address will be hidden and replaced with the provided virtual IP address.

Router change IP application

Router IP change is not only helpful in solving network access problems, but there are some other application scenarios.

For example, some games may not be able to be downloaded or run due to regional restrictions. By changing the IP address, you can try to connect to servers in other regions and unlock restricted game content.

In addition, in some special cases, changing the IP address can also improve the effectiveness of personal privacy protection. Because your real IP address is hidden and instead you use a virtual IP address to access the Internet, you can prevent personal information from being leaked to a certain extent.


Through the method of router IP change, we can solve many network access problems and enjoy a more stable and faster Internet experience. Whether it is restarting the router, modifying router settings, or using, it is a very practical method that can be flexibly selected according to your needs. I hope this article will be helpful to you, so that we can swim in the ocean of the Internet and enjoy the fun of exploration!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9462.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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