IPIPGO ip proxy Mobile optical cat IP has been changed to solve the problem

Mobile optical cat IP has been changed to solve the problem

Solution for Mobile Optical Cat IP Changed Sometimes when we use the mobile network, we will encounter an egg problem, that is, the IP of the mobile optical cat has been given by an unknown person to...

Mobile optical cat IP has been changed to solve the problem

Mobile optical cat IP has been changed to solve the problem

Sometimes when we use the mobile network, we will encounter a painful problem, that is, the IP of the mobile fiber optic cat has been changed by an unknown person, resulting in us not being able to get on the Internet, and we have to frantically search for all kinds of solutions. So today I'm going to share with you, mobile optical cat IP has been changed to solve the problem, so that we can return to the embrace of the Internet. Without further ado, let's see how to do it!

1. Check the optical cat setting interface

First, we have to enter the setup interface of the optical cat to see if the IP address has been changed. The specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: Open the browser, enter the default IP address of the optical cat, usually Note that this is an example, please adjust it according to your actual situation!

Step 2: Enter your username and password to log in, generally speaking, the username and password are admin. but, you know, some people like to make a mess of the operation, may have changed, then you have to figure out how to do it yourself.

Step 3: After logging in successfully, find the option of Network Settings or IP Settings and see if the current IP address is the one you think it is, if not, then congratulations, you are in the right place.

2. Restoration of default settings

Since the settings of the optical cat have been messed up, let's simply restore the default settings. In this way, we can return the optical cat to its original state and embrace the sweetness of the Internet once again. The specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: In the setting interface of the optical cat, find the option of restoring factory settings. Generally speaking, this option is in the advanced settings or system settings, you can accuse the guy's evil behavior while looking for it.

Step 2: Click Restore Factory Settings and confirm that you want to do this operation. Note that this will erase all your previous settings, so be sure to back up your important data before doing this. Unless you can guarantee that the data you have now is the one that the shameless guy gave you, you should consider this step carefully.

Step 3: Wait for the recovery process to finish, the optical cat will reboot automatically. After it reboots, you can reset your own network.

3. Change the wireless network password

If you poorly find that not only the IP has been changed, even the password of the wireless network has been tampered with, then you have to be determined to boldly change the password! Here are the steps:

Step 1: In the setup interface of your optical cat, find the option of wireless network settings. This option is usually found in the Network Settings or Wireless Settings. If you encounter difficulties, you can call your carrier's customer service number for advice, and they should be happy to help you.

Step 2: Find the wireless password setting, generally speaking, the label of this option may be "Wireless Security" or "Wireless Password". Kind brothers and sisters will surely tell you the truth about the label.

Step 3: Enter a new wireless password and save the settings. Pay attention to the complexity of the password here, try to choose a password that is complex, secure and difficult for people to guess. After all, security is no small matter.

4. Connecting to a new IP address

Finally, we'll show you how to properly connect to a new IP address and jump into the sea of the Internet once again. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Open the Network Settings menu, find the network connection you are currently using, right-click on it and select Properties.

Step 2: In the Properties window, find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or similar option and click Properties.

Step 3: In the pop-up dialog box, select Manually Set IP Address, and then enter the new IP address after the optical cat is set.

Step 4: Click OK to save the settings and then close all windows.

Now, you can open the browser and try to see if you can access the Internet normally! I hope the above methods can help you, so that you can say goodbye to the trouble of optical cat IP being changed. If the problem is still not solved, then you can only call the operator's customer service, they should give you a more professional solution. Go for it, teenager! Set off to the unlimited Internet world!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9519.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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