IPIPGO ip proxy How to set up a global proxy for a virtual machine

How to set up a global proxy for a virtual machine

A virtual machine is a very powerful tool that simulates a real hardware environment and allows us to run different operating systems on our computers. However, if we want to...

How to set up a global proxy for a virtual machine

A virtual machine is a very powerful tool that simulates a real hardware environment and allows us to run different operating systems on our computers. However, if we want to set up a global proxy IP in a virtual machine, how should we do it? Today, I'm going to explain the process in detail.

I. What is a global proxy IP?

Before we get into the topic, let's first understand what is Global Proxy IP. In simple terms, Global Proxy IP is a kind of existence that acts as an intermediary in network communication, which can forward the user's request to other servers on the Internet, and then pass the result of the obtained response back to the user. By setting global proxy IP, we can realize the control of the whole network traffic, so as to achieve the purpose of privacy protection, access restriction and so on.

Second, why do I need to set the global proxy IP in the virtual machine?

Virtual machine is an important tool for software development, testing and learning, through which we can run multiple operating systems on a single computer, so that we can build and test multiple development environments at the same time. However, due to the special characteristics of virtual machines, the network connection between it and the host computer is not direct, but communicates through a virtual network. Therefore, if we want to access the Internet in a virtual machine, we need to set up a global proxy IP.

C. How to set the global proxy IP in the virtual machine?

So, how exactly do you set up a global proxy IP in a virtual machine? Below, I will introduce you to each of them.

Step 1: Open the virtual machine software, select the virtual machine you want to set the proxy IP, click the "Settings" button to enter the virtual machine settings interface.

Step 2: In the virtual machine setup interface, click the "Network Adapter" option and select "NAT Mode" or "Bridge Mode".

Step 3: In the advanced settings of the network adapter, find the "Proxy Settings" option and check "Use global proxy IP".

Step 4: In Proxy Settings, fill in the IP address and port number of the proxy server.

Step 5: Save the settings and restart the virtual machine.

IV. Sample code

To better help you understand how to implement the global proxy IP settings in a virtual machine, I have provided you with the following sample code:

import urllib.request

# Set the global proxy IP
proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': ''})
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_handler)

# Sending a network request using a proxy IP
response = urllib.request.urlopen('http://www.example.com')
html = response.read()

The above code snippet uses the urllib library in the Python language. By setting the global proxy IP, you can make the program automatically use the specified proxy server when sending network requests. The specific proxy server IP and port number need to be modified according to the actual situation.

V. Summary

Through the introduction of this article, we understand the significance and methods of setting global proxy IP in virtual machines, and sample code is given. We hope that these contents can help you, so that you can use virtual machines to make network access and development work more convenient. If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss and exchange!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9550.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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