IPIPGO global proxy Win10 Global Proxy Setup Step by Step: The Secret Weapon That Lets You Swim the Web

Win10 Global Proxy Setup Step by Step: The Secret Weapon That Lets You Swim the Web

Win10全局代理设置步骤:让你畅游网络的秘密武器 嘿,亲爱的小伙伴们,你们是否也有一些烦恼?比如想看看国内的…

Win10 Global Proxy Setup Step by Step: The Secret Weapon That Lets You Swim the Web

Win10 Global Proxy Setup Step by Step: The Secret Weapon That Lets You Swim the Web


I. Problems encountered: what the hell is a cyberblock?

While we enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet, we also inevitably encounter the trouble of network blocking. Network blocking, as the name suggests, is the blocking of certain websites, applications or services so that we cannot access them normally. This is mainly due to the policy restrictions of some countries or regions, the censorship of the organization or the restriction of the agreement and so on.

Of course, it is also possible that you may have a cyberblock set up within your company, school or organization that restricts you from accessing certain websites or using certain services. For such cases, you may need to bypass the cyberblock in order to use the Internet unimpeded.

Second, Win10 global proxy settings: help you crack the network blocking magic weapon

Okay, let's get down to business - the steps to set up Win10 Global Proxy. Turn on your computer and come with me!

First of all, we need to find the Windows Settings (you can press the "Win" key on your keyboard and type "Settings" to find and click the gear icon!) Then in the Settings window, click on the "Network and Internet" option.

Next, on the "Network and Internet" page, we click on the "Proxies" option on the left. At this point, the "Proxy Servers" section will appear on the right, and we need to enable the "Use a manual proxy" option. Then, in the "HTTP Proxy" and "Secure HTTP Proxy" input boxes, fill in the IP address and port number of the proxy server.

Attention everyone, what is the proxy server address and port number here? This requires you to find a reliable paid proxy provider to get them, so that you can ensure that your internet connection is safe and secure oh! Well, yes, paying is the best way to ensure quality.

Next, we need to set up proxy server authentication. Click "Require password to use proxy server" and "Use the same proxy server for all protocols" so that we can use the same proxy server for all protocols. Of course, if you have special needs and don't want to use the same proxy server, then you can uncheck this option and configure each protocol separately.

Finally, click the "Save" button and close the settings window. Isn't it very simple? We have successfully completed the process of Win10 Global Proxy Settings, and now you can enjoy surfing the internet to your heart's content!

III. Concluding remarks


I hope the above introduction is helpful to you, if you still have other questions or better solutions, welcome to leave a message in the comments section, let's explore ways to make internet swimming easier! May you enjoy the charm of the Internet and swim in the online world!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9571.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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