IPIPGO ip proxy How to get Harakami through an HTTP proxy

How to get Harakami through an HTTP proxy

Heh! Fellow fans of the mysterious game, have you ever experienced the pain of not being able to experience the mysterious and magical game Proto-God to the fullest because of internet limitations? Don't worry,...

How to get Harakami through an HTTP proxy

Heh! Fellow fans of the mysterious game, have you ever encountered the pain of not being able to experience the mysterious and magical game Proto-God to the fullest because of network limitations? Don't worry, here I am going to introduce you a wonderful way to enjoy playing ProtoGods through HTTP proxy.

I. What is the HTTP proxy?

First of all, let's take a brief look at the concept of HTTP Proxy.HTTP Proxy, as the name suggests, acts as an intermediary in network communication, helping users to communicate with servers on the Internet. It is like a hero hiding behind the curtain, handling network requests for us and realizing data transfer and interaction.

Second, choose a suitable HTTP proxy server


Configure the HTTP proxy

Configuring the HTTP proxy is also an important part of using a proxy. To give you some tips, players using different operating systems need to take a different approach to configuration.

For Windows users, you can find Network Settings in System Settings and then Proxy Settings and fill in the IP address and port number of the proxy server.

And for Mac users, you can find Network Settings in System Preferences and then fill in the Proxy option with the address and port number of the proxy server.

For IOS and Android users, you can find the Proxy option in the Network Settings, again filling in the address and port number of the proxy server.

IV. Authenticating the HTTP proxy

After configuring the HTTP proxy, we need to verify the proxy to ensure that the proxy settings are correct. You can try to visit some common sites, such as Google, Baidu, etc., if you can access it normally, then our proxy settings are successful.

V. Enjoying the Original God through HTTP Proxy

After the above preparations, we can finally play ProtoGod via HTTP proxy without any problems. Open the Original God client, click Settings, find Network Settings, set Proxy to Manual Mode, and fill in the IP address and port number of the proxy server we configured earlier.

Now, let's go through a simple code sample to help you better understand how to play ProtoGods via HTTP proxy:

import requests

proxies = {
'http': 'http://代理服务器的IP地址:端口号',
'https': 'http://代理服务器的IP地址:端口号'

url = 'https://api.mihoyo.com/game_record/genshin/api'
data = {
'uid': 'Your user id', 'region': 'Your game region', 'region': 'Your game region', 'region': 'Your game region'.
'region': 'Your game region'

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, params=data)

The above code example uses Python's requests library to realize the function of obtaining game data via HTTP proxy in the Original God client by setting the proxies parameter and passing the address and port number of the proxy server.

put at the end

Through HTTP proxy, we can easily break through the network restrictions and enjoy the unique charm brought by The Original God. Whether you are facing the blockade of campus network or unable to play because of geographic location, from now on, just a few simple steps can make your gaming world wider. Come and try it, the mysterious world is waiting for you!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9635.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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