IPIPGO proxy server Domestic free proxy server IP address

Domestic free proxy server IP address

What is a proxy server? Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about free proxy server IP addresses in China. Before we start, let's understand what a proxy...

Domestic free proxy server IP address

What is a proxy server?

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about free proxy server IP addresses in China. Before we start, let's understand what a proxy server is.
A proxy server is a type of intermediate server that sits between the client and the target server. When we send a request, the proxy server will communicate with the target server instead of us, thus hiding our real IP address and identity information. The advantage of this is that it can protect our privacy and at the same time, it can break through some network restrictions and access those blocked or restricted websites.

Why do you need a free domestic proxy server?

Sometimes, we may encounter some situations, such as wanting to access domestic websites, needing to hide the real IP address and so on. At this time, it is especially important to find a reliable domestic free proxy server.

How to get free proxy server IP address in China?

Next, I will introduce several ways to get a free proxy server IP address in China.

1. Free agent websites

There are many websites on the Internet that offer proxy server IP addresses for free. These sites usually update the list of available proxy servers on a regular basis for users to choose and use.
The following is a sample code to get a proxy server IP address from a free proxy site:

import requests
def get_proxy_list(): url = "": url = "".
url = "https://www.example.com/proxy"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200.
proxy_list = response.json()
return proxy_list
if response.status_code == 200: proxy_list = response.json() return proxy_list
return None
proxy_list = get_proxy_list()
if proxy_list: for proxy in proxy_list: get_proxy_list()
for proxy in proxy_list: print(proxy)

2. Self-built proxy servers

In addition to using the IP addresses provided by free proxy sites, you can also build a proxy server yourself. The advantage of this is that you have full control over the operation and management of the proxy server, as well as being able to ensure the security of the data transfer.
Below is a sample code for building a simple HTTP proxy server:

import http.server
import socketserver
PORT = 8888
Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler) as httpd:
print("Proxy server started, listening on port: ", PORT)

How do I use a proxy server?

Now that we've got our free domestic proxy server IP addresses, the next step is how to use them.

1. Using browser settings

Most browsers support the use of proxy servers through their settings. You can find the options related to proxy servers in your browser's settings screen, and then just enter the obtained IP address and port number.

2. Use of command-line tools

In addition to browsers, there are a number of command line tools that support the use of proxy servers. For example, curl is a very common command line tool that can be used to send HTTP requests. You can use a proxy server by setting the proxy environment variable as shown below:
$ export http_proxy=http://: $ curl http://www.example.com


When using free proxy servers in China, we need to pay attention to some things to ensure the smooth and safe use.
First of all, the availability and stability of free proxy servers may be limited. Since free proxy servers have limited resources and many people are using them at the same time, the connection may be slow or unable to connect. Therefore, we need to try multiple proxy servers to find a stable and available one.
Secondly, we need to choose a proxy server carefully. Some bad proxy servers may record our access information or even tamper with our data. Therefore, when choosing a proxy server, we should choose a service provider that is trustworthy and has a good reputation.
Finally, do not abuse proxy servers. Proxy servers have limited resources, and if we use them excessively, it may cause other people to be unable to use them normally. Therefore, we should use proxy servers reasonably and comply with the relevant usage regulations.


Domestic free proxy server IP addresses provide us with a convenient and secure way to break through network restrictions and protect our privacy. Through free proxy websites or self-built proxy servers, we can get available proxy server IP addresses. Then, we can use the proxy server through browser settings or command line tools.
However, we need to pay attention to availability, stability and security when using proxy servers. Choose a trustworthy proxy server and use it wisely to better enjoy the convenience and protection brought by proxy servers. I hope the above will be helpful to you!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9976.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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